Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I will be 28 in a few days from now. I'm not too sure how I'm taking it. I'm still the youngest person at my day Job and that makes me smile!

I've had it out with my supervisor and regional manager this week. I'm not a fan of either, but I'm not so sure they see me as a valuable employee. We are going through a re-model and they have expected immediate results and rebounds. Impossible. I cannot express how angry and disgruntled I was when I left work on Friday. Fortunately it didn't carry over to my other job.

I did have a sit down with my immediate super today when I got to work. I managed to get a few things out, but as always when it's my turn to talk, he was pressed for time. I had even made a list of things that I wanted to discuss, but only made it through half. damn it.

My friend from NZ is back in the States. He stopped in last night and we had a nice dinner at a Mexican resturaunt and then lounged the rest of the time in front of my tv. We watched most of the shows I had recorded this last week on my DVR. good stuff.

Sopranos seems to be dragging for me this season so far. I feel like the writers haven't given me enough in each episode to want more. I'll keep watching of course, but my expectations are high and I hope that they get better, starting this Sunday. But, on the other hand, I am becoming a fan of "Big Love," I think it's because the show and it's plots are so bizzare, which makes me miss Carnivale. Bring back the carnies! damn it.

Spent some time with a friend late Friday night, who I haven't physically seen in a long time. I was wondering if he packed up and moved to Guatemala or something crazy like that. It was great to hang out and remind each other why we are friends! I also received an e-mail from one of my classmates who sent pics of her baby (just precious,) which leads me to believe that this is a week of re-kindling. good stuff.


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